
Welcome to Loveland Girl Scouts! We are an active group of approximately 400 girls in 45 troops, K-12th grade. Our leadership opportunities help build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.

Girl Scouts are committed to helping make the world a better place.

Local, Virtual and At-Home Programming Available

    • GSWO's Get Outdoors Challenge: Girl Scouts of Western Ohio is excited to continue the Get Outdoors Challenge for the third summer in a row! We challenge Girl Scouts and their families to get outdoors this summer. And yes, there's a patch for that!

    • Age Level Badge Explorer: Check out the badges and journeys for your age level. If there’s something you’d like to work on during quarantine, go ahead and get started. :) Track completion in your Girl's Guide or just write them on a piece of paper.

    • GSWO Badge, Journey and Activity Videos: GSWO now has tons of videos to help girls complete badges on YouTube!

    • Healthy At Home Program: Designed especially for this quarantine! Daisies and Brownies complete at least one (1) activity per category, Juniors and CSAs need to complete 2 per category.

    • Girl Scouts At Home: Information on how girls, their families, and troop leaders can continue to participate in Girl Scouting at home or virtually until we are able to meet again in person.

    • Bats So Awesome! Activity: Look up to the sky: it’s a bird, it’s a plane… no it’s a BAT! Bats are one of the most misunderstood creatures in the world. Find out more about these interesting and unique animals by completing the steps for your age level with your troop.

    • CSA Badge Work Options: There’s a ton of options for virtual badge work at the link below online like this link for CSA Girl Scouts

    • Everything you need to know to unlock the "Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors" Challenge!

When she's a Girl Scout, she’s also a...

  • Go-getter. She’s bold, honest, and determined to succeed. Goal oriented and ambitious, she’s also a life-long learner who believes no challenge is too difficult!

  • Innovator. Thinking outside the box is her specialty, so she’s always looking for a creative way to take action. She definitely knows how to get things done.

  • Risk-taker. Courageous and strong, she’s keen to try new things and to embrace the unfamiliar. She’s ready to step up and break the mold if that’s what it takes.

  • Leader. She’s confident, responsible, and committed to changing the world for the better—and she’s happiest when others join her in taking the lead!